
Section 80TTA Deduction for AY 2023-24

Income Tax

The joy of earning is, without a doubt, sweet. But it might leave a bitter aftertaste when tax season rolls around. The Indian tax system, in all its glory and complexity, seems determined to perplex the uninitiated. But fret not, dear reader, for in the labyrinth of tax legislation, we can find provisions designed to help the common man save his hard-earned money. One such provision is Section 80TTA, a somewhat unsung hero of the Income Tax Act of 1961.

Why unsung, you ask? Well, amidst the buzz around popular tax saving provisions like Section 80C and 80D, 80TTA often doesn’t get its fair share of the limelight. But here at CashZeni, we believe in giving credit where it’s due.

In this comprehensive guide, we shall demystify Section 80TTA and take you on a journey through the intricacies of this vital tax-saving provision. We promise you it will be enlightening, slightly adventurous, and—dare we say it—could even save you a tidy sum of money!

So, whether you’re a newly employed graduate trying to make sense of your first pay slip deductions, or a seasoned salaryman looking for ways to boost your tax savings, stay with us. Let’s unravel the benefits of Section 80TTA and how you can make the most of it.

Intrigued? Perfect! Let’s buckle up and begin our journey through the world of tax deductions, where we promise no jargon will be left unexplained, and no taxpayer left behind.

What is Section 80TTA?

With the pleasantries out of the way, let’s dive into the meaty part. Section 80TTA is a provision under the Income Tax Act, 1961, that offers a deduction on the interest earned from savings accounts held with banks, co-operative societies, or post offices. Introduced in the year 2012, this provision was primarily aimed at providing some respite to taxpayers from the brunt of taxes on their interest earnings.

Under Section 80TTA, a deduction of up to Rs.10,000 can be claimed against interest income from your savings accounts. Now, while Rs.10,000 might not sound like a large number, remember the golden rule of finance – every little bit counts!

Who Can Benefit From Section 80TTA?

The following taxpayers can claim the deductions under section 80TTA of the Income Tax Act:

  • Individual taxpayers or Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)
  • Indian Residents
  • Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) owning NRO savings accounts
  • An entity with savings accounts at institutions like banks, post offices, or cooperative societies

Deduction u/s 80TTA Disallowed

The following type of taxpayers are not eligible for the deduction:

The interest income is derived from any deposit in a savings account. The account is held by or on behalf of:

  1. a firm, or
  2. an association of persons, or 
  3. a body of individuals

Then no deduction will be allowed to any partner of the firm or any member of the association or any individual of the body. While calculating the total income these taxpayers will not be allowed a deduction against the interest income.

Basically, a firm, AOP or BOI cannot claim the interest deduction. And the partner or member receives his/ her income from these firms, AOP or BOI. Hence, they cannot claim the deduction

Moreover, senior citizens also cannot claim deduction u/s 80TTA. They can claim tax benefit u/s 80TTB.

Understanding the Scope of Section 80TTA

Having identified who can benefit from Section 80TTA, let’s delve deeper into the types of income that fall under its scope.

To be clear, this provision pertains solely to the interest income earned from savings accounts with banks, co-operative societies engaged in the business of banking, or a post office. Any other type of income, say rental income or capital gains, cannot seek shelter under Section 80TTA.

Calculating the 80TTA deduction isn’t like cracking the Da Vinci Code; it’s pretty straightforward! If your interest income from the savings accounts is less than or equal to Rs.10,000, you can claim the entire amount as a deduction. However, if the interest income crosses Rs.10,000, your deduction is capped at Rs.10,000. This means that any amount exceeding Rs.10,000 will be taxable.

For example, if you earn an interest income of Rs.8,500, you can claim the entire amount under Section 80TTA. But if your interest income is Rs.15,000, you can only claim a deduction of Rs.10,000, and the remaining Rs.5,000 will be taxable.

That’s all for now, folks! In the next section, we’ll look at the step-by-step process to claim deductions under Section 80TTA. It’s going to be one tax-tingling ride, so stay tuned!

The remaining sections will follow the same tone, providing deep insights into each area of concern while maintaining a light and engaging tone. Each section will address a specific topic related to Section 80TTA, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the provision and how they can maximise their tax savings. In the end, the FAQ section will ensure any remaining questions are answered thoroughly. The conclusion will reinforce the importance of smart tax planning and summarise key points made throughout the blog.

How to Claim Deductions Under Section 80TTA

Time to roll up our sleeves and get down to business. So, how do we claim this deduction? We promise it’s easier than assembling a flat-pack furniture, and certainly less frustrating!

The deduction under Section 80TTA is claimed while filing your Income Tax Returns (ITR). During this process, you need to specify your income from all sources, including your savings account interest income. The deduction of up to Rs.10,000 can then be claimed against this income. Remember, you need not submit any documents to claim this deduction. However, it’s always prudent to keep a record of your bank statements, just in case the tax officials ask for them later.

Important: You cannot claim Section 80TTA deduction if you opt for the new tax regime under Section 115BAC.

For Example:

If Mr Shayam earns a salary income of Rs 5,00,000, interest on savings account with a bank is Rs 5,000 and on fixed deposits is Rs 15,000 in a financial year. Also, an eligible amount for deduction of Rs 10,000 under Section 80C. Then, taxable income will be computed under the old tax regime as below:-

ParticularsAmount (in Rs)Amount (in Rs)
Income from Salary
Less: Standard Deduction

Income from other sources
-Interest on savings account
-Interest on fixed deposits


Gross Total Income  4,70,000
Less: Chapter VI-A deduction


Taxable Salary 4,55,000

Misconceptions About Section 80TTA

Alright, folks, it’s time to bust some myths about Section 80TTA! Some of you might be wondering if the Rs.10,000 limit applies to each bank account or the total interest income from all accounts combined. To put it plainly, the deduction of Rs.10,000 is on the total interest income from all savings accounts and not on a per account basis.

Another common misconception is that this deduction is over and above the Rs.1,50,000 limit under Section 80C. However, the truth is that Section 80TTA is independent of Section 80C and does not impact your Rs.1,50,000 limit under that section. In other words, claiming a deduction under Section 80TTA will not reduce your limit under Section 80C.

Section 80TTA vs Other Tax Savings Sections

Now that we’ve got the misconceptions out of the way, let’s compare Section 80TTA with other tax saving provisions. One might wonder, “Why bother with 80TTA when I have 80C?”

Well, while Section 80C is indeed the superstar of tax saving provisions, it’s always wise to have a diverse portfolio of tax savings strategies, and that’s where Section 80TTA comes in. Unlike Section 80C, which focuses on specific investments like PPF, life insurance premiums, or ELSS funds, Section 80TTA offers a tax break on the interest earned from your savings account. This is especially beneficial for individuals who may not have the capacity to invest in the instruments covered under Section 80C but still maintain a substantial balance in their savings accounts.

Which Type of Interest Incomes are Allowed as Deduction Under Section 80TTA

You can claim a deduction for interest income earned from the following:

  • From a savings account with a bank
  • From a savings account with a co-operative society carrying on the business of banking
  • From a savings account with a post office

Maximum Deduction Allowed Under Section 80TTA

The maximum deduction is limited to Rs 10,000. If your interest income is less than Rs 10,000, the entire interest income will be your deduction. If your interest income is more than Rs 10,000, your deduction shall be limited to Rs 10,000. (You have to consider your total interest income from all banks in case you have multiple accounts).

The Impact of Section 80TTA on Your Income Tax

Imagine you have Rs.15,000 as interest income from your savings accounts. Without Section 80TTA, you’d have to pay tax on the entire amount based on your income slab rate. But thanks to this handy provision, you can knock off Rs.10,000 from this income and only pay tax on the remaining Rs.5,000. Now, that’s a deal, isn’t it?


Section 80TTA may seem like a small tool in your tax planning toolbox. But remember, every drop makes an ocean! In your pursuit of optimal tax savings, this handy provision can contribute its part, helping you maximise your savings. So, as we wrap up our tax-saving journey today, let’s remind ourselves of the importance of exploring all available tax saving avenues, and not just the well-trodden paths. After all, the art of tax saving lies in understanding and utilising every provision that can aid us in our quest for financial efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the maximum amount that can be claimed under Section 80TTA?

The maximum deduction that can be claimed under Section 80TTA is Rs.10,000. This applies to the total interest income from all savings accounts.

Can non-residents claim deductions under Section 80TTA?

A: Yes, non-resident individuals can also claim deductions under Section 80TTA, provided they have interest income from their savings accounts in India.

Is the deduction under Section 80TTA available over and above the deduction of 1.5 lakh under Section 80C?

Yes, the deduction under Section 80TTA is independent of the deductions under Section 80C. You can claim benefits under both sections separately.

Can Senior citizens also claim deductions under section 80TTA?

Yes, senior citizens can claim the deduction under Section 80TTA. However, they also have the option to claim a higher deduction of Rs.50,000 under Section 80TTB on interest from both savings and fixed deposit accounts.

What happens if the interest income from a savings account exceeds Rs 10,000?

If the interest income from a savings account exceeds Rs.10,000, the amount over Rs.10,000 will be taxable as per the individual’s income tax slab rate.