
Section 80G of Income Tax Act

Income Tax

As a salaried individual, a businessperson, or just anyone paying taxes in India, the haunting thought of tax deduction might be a regular guest in your financial dreams. After all, seeing a hefty chunk of your hard-earned money go straight into the government’s coffers isn’t the most gratifying experience. Well, wouldn’t it be splendid if you could lessen this burden while contributing to a good cause?

Voila! Enter Section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act, a knight in shining armor for tax payers, or more aptly put, a subtle catalyst for philanthropy. This provision is a perfect blend of your charitable side and a prudent approach to taxation, enabling you to reduce your tax liability while making a social impact.

In this article, we will delve into the nitty-gritty of Section 80G and explore its various facets. Whether you’re an individual with a heart full of generosity or a corporation seeking to optimize tax outflows, this article is your all-encompassing guide on this tax-saving provision. So, fasten your seatbelts, dear taxpayers, as we embark on this exciting journey to decode the mysteries of Section 80G!

What is Section 80G?

Section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961, is like a concealed treasure chest, bearing gifts of tax deductions for those who contribute to the greater good. It allows taxpayers to deduct the amount of donations or contributions made to certain prescribed funds and charitable institutions from their Gross Total Income (GTI). This legislation has been in effect since 1967 and is a significant part of the Indian government’s efforts to encourage charitable giving.

Importance of Section 80G for Indian Tax Payers

Now you might wonder why Section 80G should occupy a pivotal place in your tax planning arsenal. The answer is simple – tax savings. To the delight of taxpayers, Section 80G is an avenue to both contributing to society and benefiting from lower taxes. And who doesn’t like saving money? Especially when it comes with the added bonus of supporting a good cause. The deductions under this section can significantly lower your taxable income, making it a win-win situation.

Who Can Avail Benefits Under Section 80G?

Ready to join the charitable journey and leverage tax benefits? Hold your horses and make sure you’re eligible first. Good news – all taxpayers, including individuals, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), companies, firms, and even Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), can avail benefits under Section 80G. However, the tax benefits are applicable only if the donation is made to certain prescribed funds and institutions. So, whether you’re an individual filled with philanthropic zeal or a corporate entity aiming for optimal tax outflows, Section 80G has something for everyone.

Donations Eligible for Section 80G Deductions

Not all donations can unlock the benefits under Section 80G. Your contribution should be towards eligible funds or institutions. A few of these include the National Defense Fund, Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund, National Foundation for Communal Harmony, and other notified funds or NGOs. A point to note: deductions may range from 50% to 100% of the donated amount, depending on the institution.

How to Claim Deduction Under Section 80G

Let’s get to the heart of the matter – how to claim this deduction. First, donations must be made in cash or cheque; gifts in kind do not qualify. Second, you must obtain a stamped receipt from the receiving institution. The receipt must contain details of the name, address, PAN of the trust, and the donor’s name.

When filing your Income Tax Return (ITR), include the donation details in the appropriate section, and voila! You have successfully claimed your deduction under Section 80G. Just ensure you keep all receipts safely as you may need them as proof during any potential audit by the Income Tax Department.

What is the mode of payment under Section 80G?

Section 80G deductions can be claimed by taxpayers when they make donations through the following modes:

  • Cheque 
  • Demand draft 
  • Cash (for donations below Rs 2,000)

Note: In-kind contributions such as food, material, clothes, medicines etc., and donations of above Rs 2,000 in case they do not qualify for deduction under Section 80G. Donations above Rs 2,000 should be made in any mode other than cash to qualify under Section 80G.

The various donations specified in Section 80G are eligible for a deduction of up to 100% or 50% with or without restriction, as provided in Section 80G. 

Documents required to claim a tax deduction on donations

Taxpayers who want to claim tax deduction under Section 80G must have the following documents to support their claim:

  • Duly stamped receipt: Obtaining a receipt issued by the charity/trust to which you donate the amount is mandatory. The receipt should include details such as your name, address, amount donated,  PAN number of the trust, etc.
  • Form 58: Form 58 is required when a donor intends to claim a 100% deduction.
  • Registration number of trust: All eligible trusts under this section are provided with a registration number by the Income Tax Department. Donors should ensure that the receipt contains the trust registration number.

Impact of Section 80G on Your Tax Liability

The crux of the matter is, how does Section 80G impact your tax outflow? Let’s say, Mr. A, a generous taxpayer, earns INR 10 lakhs and donates INR 1 lakh to a notified charitable institution eligible for 100% deduction. This donation will be subtracted from his taxable income, bringing it down to INR 9 lakhs, thereby lowering his tax liability.

This way, Section 80G acts as a catalyst to support charitable causes while efficiently managing your tax liabilities. All in all, a smart way to save taxes, isn’t it?

How to calculate 80GG?

80GG deduction will be allowed as lowest of below mentioned:

  • Rs 5,000 per month
  • 25% of the adjusted total income 
  • Actual rent minus 10% of adjusted total income

What is adjusted total income?

Adjusted gross total income is the gross total income (sum of income under all heads) reduced by the aggregate of the following:

  • Amount deductible under Sections 80C to 80U (but not Section 80G)
  • Exempt income
  • Long-term capital gains
  • Short-term capital gains u/s 111A
  • Income referred to in Sections 115A, 115AB, 115AC, 115AD and 115D


Section 80G of the Income Tax Act has a dual role to play – promoting philanthropy while offering a silver lining to the otherwise daunting cloud of taxation. As a responsible citizen, understanding these nuances not only equips you for efficient financial planning but also helps you contribute meaningfully to societal growth.

With this information, you’re now well-prepared to navigate the tax-saving landscape, embracing the spirit of giving while keeping your finances in check. Remember, every drop counts, not just for the cause you’re supporting, but also for the ocean of your tax savings!

FAQs About Section 80G

Can I claim Section 80G deduction without a receipt?

Unfortunately, no. You must have a stamped receipt from the institution as proof of your donation.

How can I check if an organization is eligible under Section 80G?

Check the receipt provided by the organization. It should mention their 80G status. You can also verify this on the Income Tax Department’s official website.

Can NRIs avail benefits under Section 80G?

Absolutely. NRIs can also claim deductions under Section 80G, provided they’ve made the donation to a prescribed fund or institution.

Is there a limit on how much I can claim under Section 80G?

Yes, there is a limit. The deduction cannot exceed 10% of your adjusted gross total income.

What if I forget to claim my Section 80G benefits while filing my tax return?

You can revise your return within the stipulated time to include the donation.