
Intimation Under Section 143(1) of Income Tax Act

Income Tax

Greetings, fiscal aficionados! Today, we’re going to crack the code on a topic that might have puzzled you once or twice while poring over your income tax documents. That’s right! We’re talking about the enigmatic Section 143(1) of the Income Tax Act.

While it may seem like an obscure string of digits worthy of a secret agent’s briefcase, Section 143(1) is nothing more than a part of the Income Tax Act that affects every taxpayer in India. Not so intimidating now, is it? But let’s not jump ahead. Strap in as we dive deep into this financial rabbit hole, bringing clarity to an otherwise foggy and often misunderstood facet of income tax in India.

But why bother? Well, understanding Section 143(1) is not merely an exercise in intellectual curiosity. It is of crucial practical relevance too. As a taxpayer, navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the Income Tax Act can often feel like you’re running an obstacle course, blindfolded. Unfolding the nuances of Section 143(1) can mean the difference between a smooth sailing tax filing season and a nerve-wracking plunge into tax notices and rectifications. But fear not! That’s exactly what we’re here for – to light the way and guide you through the complexities of Section 143(1).

So, dear reader, let’s unfurl the mysteries, decode the complications, and make your journey in understanding Section 143(1) as clear as the summer sky. Let’s get started!

Stay tuned as we demystify this critical aspect of income tax, making it as simple as your morning chai ritual.

In the following sections, we’ll unveil what Section 143(1) is, discuss the key differences between Section 143(1) and 143(2), decode the notices under Section 143(1), learn about common errors and how to rectify them, explore the refund process, and, finally, guide you on how to avoid common mistakes.

Ready? Let’s jump right in and make sense of Section 143(1) together! Onward, fiscal warriors!

The Structure and Application of Section 143(1)

In this universe of numbers and sections, understanding the structure of Section 143(1) is equivalent to understanding the language of the cosmos. So, let’s decode this alien language step by step.

Section 143(1) talks about the initial assessment or intimation that is sent to you by the Income Tax Department post filing of your income tax return. This section applies when the tax department finds that there is no discrepancy in the tax return filed by you. Essentially, this section is the department’s way of saying “We’ve checked your math, and it’s spot on!”

But, what happens if the cosmos (tax computation) doesn

‘t perfectly align? If the department finds any discrepancy, such as tax paid in excess or insufficient tax paid, that’s where the intimation under Section 143(1) comes into the picture.

Understanding the Implications of Section 143(1)

Let’s dissect the implications for you, the taxpayer. If you’ve paid more tax than you owe, the Department sends you a heartwarming message (intimation) saying, “Good news! You’ve got some tax refund coming your way!” However, if the story is the other way around, and you haven’t paid enough, the Department sends you a different kind of message, “Oops, you still owe us some tax!”

So, the intimation under Section 143(1) is like a report card of your tax return filing. It’s a note from the tax department stating the summary of your tax return, the amount of tax paid, and the amount of tax payable or refundable.

Centralized processing center

As per the data provided by the income tax department, more than 2 crore income tax returns have already been filed for the FY 2022-23. Considering the sheer number of returns filed, it is very important to process all the returns timely and correctly. It is at this stage the Centralized Processing Center comes into the picture.

The income tax department has been empowered to create a centralized processing center for returns. The objective is of determining the tax payable and refunds to the taxpayers. The CPC center in Bangalore processes the returns filed by the assessee without any interference from the taxpayer or the jurisdictional officer. To ensure timely processing of returns and provide both of the information in a timely manner.

Once a return is processed by the department, an intimation is sent to the taxpayer. The intimation provides them the opportunity to respond to the department. The response will be against an adjustment CPC does in the intimation. The taxpayer must respond to the adjustment within 30 days of communication. In the case of a failure, the department goes ahead and proceeds with the adjustments.

Reasons for getting an intimation under section 143(1) of Income Tax Act

As soon as an email arrives from the income tax department, there is always a sense of urgency. Moreover, the fear of paying more taxes is in the mind of the taxpayers. While a few of them get relief in the case of a tax refund. Some of the taxpayers do face additional liability. There are a few reasons due to which an intimation under section 143(1) of income tax act is generated:

  1. The tax paid by the taxpayer is in excess of what they were actually liable to pay as per the provisions of the act. The intimation will mention the amount of tax refund. If the refund value is above Rs. 100, then the refund will be paid out to the taxpayer. Refund values below Rs. 100 will not be paid out.
  2. the taxpayer has paid taxes that are short paid as per his actual liability. The intimation will reflect the balance amount that needs to be paid by the taxpayer. This will include the actual liability along with the interest component.
  3. A simple notice states that the tax returns fall in line with the computation made by the assessing officer. In this case, a specific intimation is not required to be shared with the assessee.

Action to be taken by the taxpayer after receiving a 143(1)

Once the taxpayer receives an intimation from the income tax department, the taxpayer should review certain important aspects of the return. This includes data provided in the return. For example- income details, financial year, PAN, address, assessment year for which the notice has been issued, etc.

After going through the intimation, the taxpayer can identify and verify the mistakes made while at the time of filing. The taxpayer can file a revised return by logging into the income tax website. However, the taxpayer might find no mistakes in the return or not agree with the adjustments proposed by the CPC. Here, the taxpayer can file an online rectification under section 154. 

In case the taxpayer is not satisfied with the processing of the rectification filed under section 154, the taxpayer can file an online grievance or contact the assessing officer. In case of an agreement with the adjustments, the taxpayer will pay the additional tax along with interest. This can be done through an online challan payment. In this case the taxpayer needs to choose ‘Tax on regular assessment (400)’ under type of payment in the challan.

What is the password for intimation under Section 143(1)?

The intimation received under Section 143(1) is password protected. The ITR intimation password will be your PAN (in lowercase) followed by date of birth in DDMMYYYY format without giving any space.

For example: Assuming your PAN is ABCDE1234E and the date of birth is 01/01/2000, the password to open the intimation will be “abcde1234e01012000”.

Nature of adjustments under 143(1)

Total income or loss is computed under Section 143(1) after making the following adjustments:

  • Arithmetical error in the return
  • Any incorrect claim which is apparent from any information in the return where incorrect claim which may include the following:
    • The claim of an item in the return which is inconsistent with another entry of the same or some other item in such return – for example, income from other sources are deducted from business income but not declared under income from other sources.
    • Disallowance of set off of loss in the financial year which is carried forward from previous years in which return was filed beyond specified due date
    • Disallowance of expenditure indicated in the audit report but not indicated in the return of income.

Understanding the Differences: Section 143(1) vs Section 143(2) (150 words)

Many taxpayers confuse Section 143(1) with Section 143(2), but each plays a distinct role in the income tax verification process. Section 143(1) pertains to the intimation sent to taxpayers confirming the correctness of tax computation, while Section 143(2) concerns a notice sent if the tax officer believes there’s a need for further scrutiny of the tax return. Thus, the two sections play separate but equally important parts in ensuring a fair and transparent tax filing process.

Decoding Notices under Section 143

Notices under Section 143(1) are similar to school report cards, where the tax department evaluates your tax return filing. Decoding these notices is crucial to ensure there are no discrepancies left unattended. These notices can be for tax dues, tax refunds, or no demand and no refund. The key lies in understanding and acting accordingly.

Common Errors and Rectifications

Occasionally, taxpayers or the department can make errors while computing taxes. Common mistakes include incorrect reporting of income, omission of a source of income, or incorrect calculation of deductions. The department provides an opportunity to correct these errors through a rectification request under Section 154, within four years from the end of the financial year in which the notice was received.

The Refund Process

If the intimation under Section 143(1) suggests you have paid excess tax, you’re eligible for a refund. The refund process starts automatically once the discrepancy is acknowledged by the department. The refunded amount gets credited directly to the taxpayer’s bank account.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

To avoid common mistakes, ensure accurate reporting of income from all sources, correct calculation of deductions, and proper tax credit for the TDS and advance tax paid. Also, responding to any notices from the tax department in a timely manner is crucial.

Decoding the Process

The process of filing tax returns under Section 143(1) is like following a treasure map. You need to know the right steps to reach the treasure – a correctly filed tax return. Initially, you file your return with all the income details, deductions, and tax paid. Post this, the tax department checks whether the taxes you’ve calculated match their computations. This match-making process is done by an automated system, leaving no room for human error.

But, what if you get an intimation notice under Section 143(1)? Don’t panic, it’s not a “we’re breaking up” message from the tax department. It’s just a call for you to rectify some discrepancies. The first step is to compare the intimation with your tax return. If the discrepancy is from your end, pay the additional taxes or claim a refund, if applicable. If the discrepancy is from the department’s end, you can file for rectification. But remember, you have to respond to the intimation within 30 days. So, don’t play “hard to get” with the Income Tax Department!

Key Takeaways from Section 143(1)

Navigating the tax world is like driving on a road with multiple signs. You must understand and follow these signs to reach your destination smoothly. Similarly, understanding Section 143(1) is paramount to ensuring you’re paying the correct taxes and addressing any discrepancies timely.

Common misconceptions around Section 143(1) include the fear that an intimation is always a tax demand or that there’s a mistake in your return. That’s not always true. An intimation is just a match or mismatch note from the tax department.

Wrapping Up

Phew! That was quite a journey through the universe of Section 143(1), wasn’t it? Just like understanding the Batman symbol is essential to asking for help in Gotham, comprehending Section 143(1) is vital for your journey in the world of taxation. Remember, taxes are a crucial part of our lives, and understanding them shouldn’t feel like learning rocket science. When it comes to taxes, when in doubt, always seek help!

Disclaimer: The blog is intended to provide a general understanding of Section 143(1). The readers are advised to consult with a financial advisor or tax professional for specific advice based on their situation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an intimation under Section 143(1)?

It’s a notice sent by the Income Tax Department matching their tax computation with yours. It’s not a tax demand but a summary of your tax filing.

How to respond to a notice under Section 143(1)?

You need to compare the intimation with your tax return. If there’s a discrepancy, either pay the extra tax, claim a refund, or file for rectification, if required.

What if there is a mistake in the computation under Section 143(1)?

You can file for a rectification request under Section 154 within 4 years from the end of the fiscal year in which the intimation was received.

How to seek rectification under Section 143(1)?

You can file a rectification request online on the Income Tax Department’s e-filing portal.

What happens in case of non-compliance with Section 143(1)?

Non-compliance could lead to penalties and further notices from the Income Tax Department. So, remember to take action within 30 days of receiving the intimation.