How to Monitor Your Credit Score in India

How to Monitor Your Credit Score in India

Credit Card

Credit scores: you’ve heard the term thrown around in conversations about loans, credit cards, or even job applications. But how many of us actively monitor our credit scores? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into why monitoring your credit score is not just a financial activity but a cornerstone of responsible adulting. This guide is particularly tailored to the Indian audience, covering everything from the basics of what a credit score is, to the specific credit bureaus operating in India, and even how to actively monitor your credit score.

What Is a Credit Score?

Before we jump into the intricacies of monitoring your credit score, let’s understand what a credit score is. A credit score is a three-digit number that lenders use to evaluate the risk of lending you money or extending credit. This score is derived based on your credit history and can range between 300 and 900. The closer you are to 900, the more financially trustworthy you are considered.

  • Credit History: Includes your past behavior regarding credit and loans, payment records, and the types of credit you’ve had.
  • Payment Records: Lenders look into your payment records to assess your default risk. Late payments can drastically lower your credit score.
  • Types of Credit: This includes credit cards, mortgages, car loans, and any other form of credit you have taken on.

Importance in Financial Life

  1. Loan Approval: A high credit score can not only make it easier for you to get approved for loans but also secure them at lower interest rates.
  2. Renting a House: Landlords may check your credit score before renting out their property to you.
  3. Employment: Some employers consider credit scores during the hiring process, particularly for roles that require financial management skills.

Understanding your credit score is essential for various aspects of your life. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, we have a detailed guide on What is a Credit Score and Why Does It Matter?

How to Monitor Your Credit Score: Basics

Free Reports

In India, you’re entitled to one free credit report per year from each credit bureau. Various platforms also offer free monthly or yearly credit reports. These reports provide a snapshot of your credit history, active accounts, and credit score.

Credit Monitoring Services

For a more detailed analysis, consider subscribing to a credit monitoring service. These services not only provide in-depth reports but also offer real-time alerts for any changes in your credit status.


Lastly, nothing beats personal vigilance. By regularly checking your bank statements and reconciling them with your credit reports, you can catch any discrepancies early.

Credit Bureaus in India

Monitoring your credit score in India essentially means keeping tabs on your reports from the following credit bureaus:


The Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited is the oldest and perhaps the most popular credit bureau in India. Their reports are often considered the gold standard.


Equifax India provides risk management services and consumer reports. They offer monthly subscription services for more regular monitoring.


Experian offers free credit reports and has a comprehensive scoring system that ranges between 330 and 830.

CRIF High Mark

This bureau specializes in providing credit information to rural and urban consumers alike.

What information do you need to check your credit report?

If you plan on opening a bank account or credit card, taking a loan from an online personal loan app or buying a house, you’ll likely want to check your credit report as much as the lenders do, whether the banks, the NBFCs or your favorite personal loan app.

A credit report is necessary to keep tabs on your financial situation or financial health and also check your creditworthiness from time to time. You’ll want to ask to investigate your credit report if there are any concerns. You’ll also need to know what information the report will include (or not include).

Why Is Monitoring Your Credit Score Important?

Now that you know where to look, let’s discuss why it’s important to monitor your credit score.

Detecting Fraud

Real-time monitoring can alert you if there’s a suspicious activity, like an unauthorized account being opened in your name.

Ensuring Accuracy

Credit reports are prone to errors, and these can negatively affect your score. Regular checks can help you dispute and rectify these errors early.

Financial Planning

Understanding your credit score can guide you in your larger financial decisions, whether it’s buying a home, car, or planning for a loan. For a more in-depth understanding, you can read our post What is a Credit Score and Why Does It Matter?

How often should you check your credit report?

You’ll want to check your credit report to stay informed of any changes in your credit history that could affect your ability to get a loan or mortgage in the future. This will give you a heads-up on any changes to your credit history that could be causing difficulties down the road. You could also check your report more frequently if you have a credit card or have opened a bank account.

Should you pay a fee to get your credit report?

In most countries, credit bureaus have to make their report available for free. However, credit bureaus may charge a fee for providing your credit report in some countries. The importance of credit reports in an individual’s financial profile cannot be ruled out.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), in a notification dated September 1, 2016, made it mandatory for all four Credit Information Companies (CIC) or credit bureaus in India – Equifax, Experian, CRIF High Mark, and CIBIL TransUnion – to provide one free credit report, including credit score, once every year to individuals on request should their credit history be available with the CICs.

If you have a paper copy of your credit report, you’ll have to pay for it to be printed. You may be able to get your report for free if you order it online or via a phone app, or through an online loan app. An individual’s credit report is collated independently and generated by these four credit bureaus. The free credit report provided is detailed and includes the same information as provided to banks and other lending institutions. This is in line with the global practice, where all credit bureaus must provide one free credit report annually.

Methods to Monitor Your Credit Score

Monitoring your credit score in India is easier than ever, thanks to a variety of tools and platforms.

Free Annual Reports

Under the RBI guidelines, every individual is entitled to one free credit report annually from each of the credit bureaus. Utilize these to get a yearly snapshot.

Monthly Subscriptions

For a more in-depth and frequent update, consider subscribing to monthly reports from bureaus or financial platforms.

Bank Services

Some banks offer free credit score checks as part of their services, providing quarterly or even monthly updates.

Apps and Online Platforms

Various FinTech companies offer apps and platforms where you can monitor your credit score for free or a nominal charge. These services usually provide additional features like real-time monitoring and alerts.

If you’re planning to take a loan, understanding your credit score is crucial. You can use our EMI calculator to get an estimate of your monthly installments.

How to get your credit report for free

Suppose you have a digital copy of your credit report. In that case, you’ll want to verify that you have that information before you start getting another report applying for a loan or checking your creditworthiness. There are different ways to do this. Almost all lenders and loan providers provide a free way to check your credit score through TU CIBIL and Experian.

Should you have a paper copy of your credit report?

It is really a personal choice if you should have a paper copy of your credit report. It is available digitally, of course. But depending on the terms and conditions of your loan provider, who may ask for a hard copy of your credit report, you’ll want to make sure you have it with you as you apply for a loan.

If you have a hard copy of your report, you’ll need to get it scanned and saved as a PDF. You’ll also want to make sure that the information on your copy is correct. Some credit bureaus have the information listed on your report available online. If you have a paper copy, you’ll need to ensure that it matches the information listed in the online version.


Monitoring your credit score is more than just a financial chore; it’s a crucial step in safeguarding your financial future. This guide aims to equip you with all the knowledge and tools you need to effectively monitor your credit score in India. By doing so, you’re not just improving your creditworthiness but also empowering yourself to make more informed financial decisions.

FAQs on Monitoring Your Credit Score in India

As we wrap up this comprehensive guide, let’s address some of the most frequently asked questions about monitoring your credit score in India.

How often should I check my credit score?

You should check your credit score at least annually. However, if you’re planning a major financial decision, like buying a house, check it more frequently.

Can checking my credit score hurt it?

No, when you check your own credit score, it’s considered a “soft inquiry” and doesn’t affect your score.

What is a good credit score in India?

Generally, a credit score above 750 is considered good in India.

How do I dispute errors in my credit report?

You can dispute errors by filing a dispute form through the credit bureau’s website or customer service.

How long does it take for my credit score to update?

It usually takes about 30 to 45 days for your credit score to update after you’ve made changes or disputed errors.